Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St. Patrick's Day

Today as I sit here the boys are outside playing in the sunshine. It is a bit chilly, but still the sun is out and it is glorious to run around after finishing most of the days school work. We will read about St. Patrick this afternoon, and the boys will watch the animated CCC video on him.

I have left over homemade pizza for lunch, from Clement's birthday party last night. Soon I will be calling the boys in to eat. We ate the rest of his homemade Boston Cream pie for breakfast, with scrambled eggs on the side. We are getting milk from the goats and have made cheese. Franz is still boiling down sap for syrup. It has been a good run on the sap so far this year. We will most likely make the most syrup since we started a few years ago. There are seeds started in little green houses on our back porch. Our freezers are mostly full with meat, veggies, and random things. The hens have started laying a lot more eggs with the longer day light hours.

I have been thinking and pondering about the state of homes. Self quarantine has not affected us as much as many. Yes, I am sure we will feel the effects, but not to the extreme as those who do not live and work from home. I am sorely going to miss going to Mass. It has been a struggle to get through to my Mom the importance of keeping our distance. I really do want for this Covid19 to have a less severe impact.

We shop, but the majority of our food comes from our farm, or in bulk. So, again the craze of shopping and stocking up is not something that is yet affecting us. I did buy some toilet paper, but not a drastic amount. Thankfully I have all boys.

I am praying for wisdom and prudence in all our dicision making. It is very easy to get carried away by what is happening and what people are saying. I wish more peace would come about in response to Covid19. This is a prayer that my mother taught me when I was a child. I find great comfort in saying it especially now.

Our Lady of This House Prayer:
O sweet and gentle Lady, Immaculate Mother of God,
we choose thee this day as the Mistress and Lady of this house. 

Guard it, dear Mother from pestilence, fire, lightning and tempest,
from schisms and heresies, and from the malice of enemies.
Protect its inmates, sweet Mother, watch over their going out
and their coming in and preserve them from sudden death.
Keep from us all sin and harm and pray to God for us that we may
live in His service and depart this life in His grace.
On another more positive note. We get to enjoy the joys of new baby goat kids. Galadriel a first time mama, just birthed triplets yesterday late afternoon. It made for a full day on Clement's birthday. Thanking God for our blessings.....
Left to right, Mama Galadriel, 2nd born white buck, 1st born red roan doe, 3rd born silver doe.

Something I wrote in January:

We keep sliding through our lessons. Sometimes we get caught on a bump, but we push forward and break free gliding on. Sometimes the ice is slick and shiny, sometimes it is peppered with little ice bumps. Eventually it will all melt into the mud of spring. I have been pushing the boys to keep going. My hope is to be done with school before the end of April.

Why am I trying for this? With spring comes the major start of the outdoor projects. For me it means starting seeds, then planting them in my garden. Animals will be having babies. I am growing a baby. I would love to get all my seeds, plants, and trees in the ground before baby Klein arrives mid June.

I joke that I will have baby Klein in the garden.

P.S. The plan is to have baby Klein at home. Hoping and praying this is the case. As I feel it would be best to stay home and away from medical facilities unless necessary. 

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