Monday, September 5, 2022


 My hair is getting silver. My hands suffer from carpal tunnel. I jokingly say I have matured, as my weight has increased over the years.

Yet, I can still climb a tree. Any chance I can, I will play a sport. I can stack hay like no mans business. I can do pull-ups again. I feel I am gaining back some of my strength and vitality that was lost over the last few years. 

I am thankful for my many blessings. It is a privilege to be able to celebrate another birthday. Below is the recount of the day.

This morning I woke to Caecilius climbing into our bed. He wanted to snuggle for a few minutes, before wanting to get up and start the day. I had planned on staying in bed, but it sounded quite loud downstairs. So, I had Caecilius climb onto my back and we trundled down the stairs. There the boys were arguing about who was making breakfast. I decided to go back upstairs. I settled in my room with the book, “The boy Crisis.” Nice, it was fitting that I was reading about boys in crisis, while listening to the loud moments below. 

Breakfast was delicious. Cyprian and Cletus were the chefs. They baked an apple crisp, made with apples from our orchard. Cyprian fried some of our homemade sausages in butter. The eggs were made with mushrooms gathered from the woods, and organic valley cheese melted on top. There was a French press of organic coffee. I had some of our maple syrup with goat milk added to some coffee.

I did dishes after breakfast. That was under the condition that the boys would straighten up the house and do laundry. They did do the chores with some prompting. I was able to braid all my onions and clean some garlic.

We then headed to the Cashton Park for the afternoon. We gathered with several of my family member and their families. It was a beautiful day and the kids all enjoyed playing. I even enjoyed swinging. I got to hold my nephew’s newborn baby. Oh how I love holding a sweet babe. My goddaughter Maire made me a lovely and scrumptious cake. Maire who is my niece, had stayed with us for a whole week during garlic harvest. She made meals, watched little ones, cleaned house, cared for animals (she got really good at milking the goats), and helped with harvest. As part of our “thanks” for the huge help that she was, we got her a decorating kit for baking. Now she is making beautiful and yummy treats. 

When we got home from the park Caecilius had fallen asleep. So after unloading the car I careful took him out and lay him on the couch, and took a short rest with him. Then it was back to garlic cleaning. Nobody was really hungry so Cletus had started push mowing and I decided to do the riding mowing. Franz was harvesting kale all afternoon.

After the milking I did pull-ups on the clothes line, and climbed a tree. Yep, I need to prove to myself and my boys that I am up to snuff. We ate some leftovers from the picnic. After quickly straightening up, we prayed our family rosary on the porch. That way Franz could hear while washing and hydro cooling the kale. Boys are all tucked into bed. I wait for Franz to finish. I may be eating some cake too…

It might seem ordinary and a boring way to spend your birthday. I loved the beautiful day. Ordinary becomes extraordinary when your attitude and heart are in the right place. 

My simple yet not so simple home. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Life is not always a bunch of roses…

 Though it was not long, you are a human being. Someone that I will not meet in this life, but God willing in the next. I only knew about you for a short time. You are so loved and cherished. Along with your seven other siblings who were not meant for this world. As I let you go, I am reminded of my blessings amidst the pain and sorrow.

I found out I was pregnant in February. We all were excited! We had had Covid early January, so I was surprised when I got a positive pregnancy test. Early March we had sickness go through our house, again. Though nobody was deathly ill, it was drawn out by the fact that it worked its way through the whole family. Unfortunately, when I went for an early ultrasound, because my labs were not showing great results, baby had stopped growing right at six weeks. The one relief was to know that it was not an ectopic pregnancy, which is a whole other level of hardship. I would have been 11 weeks this last Tuesday. Now I am miscarrying physically. As much as this is sadness and heartache, I know God has a plan.  

If I did not have my six beautiful boys here earth side, it could be easy to become bitter. I have thought about this a lot. My first ectopic pregnancy was right after Cyprian. Thinking I would only have one child, I was devastated, Franz's and my dream of a large family dashed. Even with the difficulties of miscarrying, each boy I did carry to term made me realize how blessed I really am. It really started to resonate a note of thankfulness and peace for me after I had Cornelius. He was conceived after I had four early miscarriages in 2016. He was a light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. I was struck with uncertainty yet again in 2019, though, with first an early miscarriage, and then an ectopic pregnancy that required emergency surgery. And yet, many graces came about even through the loss of our babies, as I've connected with women in a way that only those who share the experience of similar grief can.

 I hope and pray we have more little Kleins. I have a stronger sense of peace about God’s plan for our family, whether it be that we have more babies, or whether it be adopting, or whatever else God has in mind. Though I may have sadness and disappointment, I am always excited and rejoice for those who carry a baby. So, I offer this cross for those who have not been able to carry to term.

Marcellinus Patrick Klein, pray for us! Remembering also and asking the intercession of our Klein army: Cosmas James, Anastasia May, Andrew Joseph, Agatha June, Caspar Marion, Cyril Hughs, and Gianna Marie.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Mug shot

 I have this propensity for cups. Not just random cups, but mugs. Over the years many have broken. Between the boys and accidents. They get replaced by ones that I find, or are gifted. 

This mug was given to me by Caecilius godmother last summer. It reminds me of our patron of our homeschool, "St. Therese's Little Flowers." Also, she is my middle namesake. I am greatful for her, "little way," and the roses she sends our way.

This mug was gifted to me by Franz and the boys. The boys call it the magic mug. When you pour hot liquid into, it blossoms into color. The cat is Siena. She was the matriarch of "Kleinshire." Being one of two kittens we started with on our little farm. Siena made the move with us from NC. to WI., along with her daughter and granddaughter. In Wisconsin, Siena was a fierce ruler, making her daughter cower under her authority. Well, nature has a way. Siena met the hay baler, and she lost. After that, Catherine"Cat," became a loving family pet. Notice the correlation Catherine of Siena. Our parish back in NC was St. Catherine of Siena in Wake Forest. 

This lovely mug was won by throwing a cast iron skillet at Franz. Yes, that is right. Our little country parish has a pan throwing contest, during their community picnic. Whichever lady throws the very heavy large cast iron pan the farthest at her husband, wins. Not sure the origin of this contest, but it makes for gasps of entertainment. I love the rose depicted and the blue on the background of this. It holds more than the average mug too.



I found this gem at the local thrift store. My first thought was of me and my sister Rachel. We both have wild curly hair, and seem to more often than not be walking frazzled through our day. The sentiment is something I I hope me and my sisters, blood and related by marriage, always hold onto.

This mug has a twin. It comes from a thrift store in Texas. These two mugs may not have any specific meaning. But, for me, it reminds of many "Texas memories." We have been so blessed by our years in Texas and North Carolina. I like to remember the good. Also, surprisingly both mugs are still intact. That in and of it self is a note worthy existence. 

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved horses. Though I have not done as much with them as I would like, they are my girlhood dream animal. This was another thrift mug. the boys broke the handle off. So, now the mug has been relegated to holding a plant of oregano, in my kitchen sink window. Little reminder of my past dreams.

Okay, so this has me stumped. I may have owned this mug since before Franz and I were married. Blue is a favorite color of mine. The style is simple, but sturdy. Sometimes we need a simple, solid, old standby.

My sister-in-law gifted me this for my birthday. Oh so pretty! I am a tea drinker and making a hot cup of comfort in this mug is delightful. 

SSo, here is a sampling of the mugs in my life. Many have been, and I am sure more will come. Each piece has a story and memory to tell. I hope you have some story telling mugs in your life too. God bless!